torsdag 27 december 2007

The girl that made me smile again

I thought I was a lost cause,
a small part of a failure that was ment to be.
I didn´t believe you when you said that love is true, its out there.
It sucks but you still have to try,
continue to try,
continue to fail.
It makes you stronger,
gives you a purpose to live,
to love.
You didn´t even said this but I can read between the lines.

What you say means a lot
but what you don´t say means everything.
I read between your lines,
I wanna lick them away from darkness and make you smile.
I now understood that you will live for the small days that you won´t even remember
but will always make your soul sing.

I first heard you from a distance far away,
screaming into me with a small voice.
You spoke words of life with silent sounds.
All I could hear was a friend and the sound of my fingers against the buttons like rain hitting ground.
But faster,
more eager than the rain.
Anything to forget the pain.

One day I saw a light,
I started to believe again.
First in revenge and justice.
Then in truth and love.
You stood there many miles away,
but so close to my heart.
I can feel your skin against mine and your loving arms around me,
even though i can´t smell your scent.

Soon I can finally feel again
and I long to feel you somewhere else but in my dreams.
Please hold me tonight and lets turn of the light together, united.

To a cute girl far far away

måndag 17 december 2007

Why does this keep happening?

Why does it have to be like this?
My heart wanna belong
but everything comes out wrong.
I fall for the wrong people,
they are really nice but it´s not equal for everyone.
I fall down into a well
too slippery and too dark to think I ended up anywhere but hell.
My heart don´t wanna feel anymore,
my tears doesn´t want to stop falling just because I´m a whore.
Sex wont take me anywhere,
but still I hope it saves me from here.
Please fall for the not so intelligent but funny me,
be my woman and I be your S in she.